
Written by Mark Eades

In the history of humankind, intolerance rears its ugly head many times and many ways.

There are times when it is less abundant, then there are times when there is so much intolerance that to tolerate it becomes the norm.

This is one of those times.

Someone can write a song espousing murder, rape and more and some tolerate it. Let’s curtail those types of songs some say – but song writers have a first amendment right.

Someone can write a song espousing how those living in a small town won’t tolerate that, and that’s intolerable and invoke a technique called “woke cancellation” policies – and again, the song writers have a first amendment right.

Some are even suggesting that it is time to limit our first amendment rights. Bringing up the possibility of a review board.

Really? Is everyone’s intolerance for words and phrases they don’t like that they’re willing to curtail our freedoms and liberties?

How have we in this country become so intolerant?

Is it social media? Is it biased media? Is it ignorance?

When it comes to social media, people jump to conclusions and pre-judge based on others’ views. Giving those intolerant views the chance to steamroll before anyone actually takes a moment to think, you know think.

Even using this quote will upset people: “Judge not, lest ye be judged.”

Oh, that’s the view of the extreme right say those on the left.

“So much for the tolerant left.”

That’s the quote thrown back by the conservative right at the left wing.

Look folks, it is not city folk versus rural folk. I can show you any number of folks in the city who are conservative, and I can show you any number of folks who are liberal progressives.

Maybe it’s time we all stop throwing labels at each other and actually quit jumping to conclusions.

That’s the view from The World Famous Eades Front Porch. I will tolerate different points of view.

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