Another place Dad and I visited while in Las Vegas is right outside of town on the west side – Red Rock Canyon. It was one of the other places we visited while there including the Pioneer Saloon, the Seven Magic Mountains, and the Ethel M Chocolate Factory and its Botanical Cactus Garden.

The desert tortoise in an area set aside for them at the Red Rock Canyon visitor center. Photo by Mark Eades.
It’s a very pretty place, and what’s neat is they have an area devoted to desert tortoises.
I’m not sure if this tortoise is smiling at me or what.
Near Red Rock Canyon are a couple interesting residences.
I would have loved this house as a kid.
Some visitors to Red Rock Canyon come to climb the rocks.
Some folks make it to the top!
It’s very pretty around here.
Well that’s the last of this Adventure in the Daddy Zone. Traveling with Dad is always fun. He enjoys getting out and seeing different things. Till the next time.